WHAT: 3rd Edition of Glocal Camp
WHERE: L’Hospitalet, Spain
WHEN: July 2017
WHO: 50 people, 8 nationalities
The third edition of Glocal Camp took place in the Torre Barrina Center and the Auditorium of the Tecla Sala Art Center, with the Cultural District project of L’Hospitalet as the main object of local action.
The framework of collaboration with the City Council of L’Hospitalet materialized in three very precise contexts.
1. Glocal Camp International Meeting
Workshops open to citizens and the public administration on topics related to innovation and civic design.
CivicWise made its digital network and infrastructure available to citizens and local administration, as well as provided the possibility of participating in work sessions during the Glocal Camp week.
A unique vibe came out through experiencing in first person how such a broad network manages to self-organize to become effective, efficient and transformative in offering new models of intervention in the territory.
2. Postgraduate Smart Social City.
Joint debate and evaluation of the final projects.
On Wednesday, July the 12th, the Smart Social City Postgraduate Program ended with the presentation of the final projects of the postgraduate participants. The CivicWise network participated in the presentation for a dynamic debate and evaluation of the projects, with the aim of contributing with new perspectives and facilitating the feasibility of their execution.
Gracias @civicwise por ser el mejor jurado que podíamos tener en el Acto de presentación de los Proyectos #SmartScity de nuestros alumnos!!
— Smart Social City (@UB_SmartSCity) July 21, 2017
3. Cultural District Consulting
Diagnostic advisory to the implementation of the integral strategy of the L’Hospitalet City Council’s Cultural District plans.
During the Glocal Camp week, the International CivicWise network concentrated its energy, experience and knowledge in analyzing the integral promotion strategy of the Cultural District of L’Hospitalet City Council. We worked in several sessions jointly with cultural agents, technicians and public officials, as an external consultant to identify strengths and challenges of the Cultural District proposal.
All the photos from the event
Other editions

First edition | May 2016

Second edition | November 2016